Be sure to complete all the assignments on this page by reading all the way to the bottom.
Sketchbook Assignment: Finish the Picture
Find a portrait in a magazine or online to print, cut it in half(ish), tape it into your sketchbook, and carefully draw and shade the other half. Here are examples from former students. It is easier if you work from a black and white picture.
Art Appreciation
We will be going to the Minneapolis Institute of Art for an intermediate art field trip in May, so I would like you to learn the background of some of the major pieces/artists we'll view there, beginning with Claude Monet (Mo-nay). This video talks about his "Grainstack" series. We'll get to see one of these at MIA. Watch the video and then answer these questions...
1. The art movement of "Impressionism" in the mid-1800s was a big departure from the realistic painting of the day and was not always well-received. Describe the characteristics of impressionism. You can research it to enhance your understanding.
2. What do you like and dislike about the painting in the video?
3. If you were to create an impressionistic series of something from nature, as Monet did with the grainstacks behind his home, what would you choose?
Video YouTube LINK in case the above video does not work for you