Be sure to complete all the assignments on this page by reading all the way to the bottom.
Wednesday class: Complete your self-portrait. If you already completed it, do the following assignments...
Friday class: Complete the following assignments...
Sketchbook Assignment: Visual Puns
Illustrate a visual puns (a visual rendering of a two-word noun phrase that illustrates the combination of the nouns with their literal meaning).
Examples: hot dog, cat fish, hair brush, two face, fish face, bone head, Angel fish, Bat man, iron man, flower bed, Bed Bug, Boxing Match, Car pool, Card Shark, deviled Eggs, Fire Drill, Fish Tank, Football, Fruit Flies, Hammerhead, Handbag, Home Run, horse Fly, Jail Bird, Lightening Bug, Shutter Bug, Strong Box, Submarine Sandwich, Swordfish, Watch Dog, Bird Brain, French Fries.
Leave the word off to see if I can guess your pun.
Drawing tip: it's always a good idea to pull up reference photos or look at an object in real life before trying to draw it!
Medium: colored pencils with shading EXAMPLES:
Art Appreciation
The nativity has been a subject of many paintings since the 1400s. Here are 4 paintings by different artists through history. Write down one (or more) questions about each painting that is sparked by studying it carefully. Your questions should start with "who, what, why, when, where, how..." You may never learn the answer, but it is in the wondering where you become an engaged art observer.
#1 Sandro Botticelli, The Mystical Nativity (1500-1501)
#2... Caravaggio, Nativity with San Lorenzo and San Francesco (1609)
#3...Paul Gauguin, Geburt Christi, des Gottessohnes (1896)
#4...Nativity, Brian Kershisnik, 2015
I enjoyed hearing the artist explain this painting to a group of kids at a museum. Watch it if you're curious about why there is a dog and puppies and why Joseph is doing a face palm. ;)